Sunday, 27 December 2015

(From the 'Eggs in One Basket department') - Images vanish.

Posterous, Picasaweb and Vimeo are long gone, and therefore so have some images that were in some of the previous posts of this blog. If you read a post below, and the image is blank, it's because the service providing it has disappeared (or in the case of the image being in Google Photos, I might have removed it to keep below my 15GB free file limit.) So much for putting too much faith in any internet services remaining around.
It is now apparent that it is best to keep all content inside a single facility. 

I actually did do backups of images from most of those internet services to a local hard disk. However in about 2013, just before that disk was about to be fully backed up to another disk, I knocked it over on the desk, and it died. So unless I ever get to recover that disk, most of my files from the '80's until then have been lost.

Life goes on ...

Here is a nice calming photo of Rusty taken a few days before this post was written.